Doctor Who Re-watch: The Girl in the Fireplace

Doctor Who Re-watch: The Girl in the Fireplace

The second Moffat story for New Who! In which all of his later series themes are laid out for us. Plus bonus The Time Traveller’s Wife riff, a great historical fiction revisionist slant on Madame de Pompadour and the chick who played Beth in Spooks.…

Song of the Slums Book Review

Song of the Slums Book Review

“I use Grammarly for proofreading because I am afraid of someone leaving grammar Nazi memes in the comments.” Song of the Slums, Richard Harland Allen and Unwin 2013. RRP: $17.99 Aust. Back what feels like a thousand years ago (and was really a couple of…

Book Review: All is Fair by Emma Newman

Book Review: All is Fair by Emma Newman

All is Fair, Emma Newman Angry Robots Books, October, 2013 R.R.P.: £5.49 / US$6.99 So the story behind this review is a sorry one. My kindle broke just as I started reading which meant I had to wait around for a new one before I…

The Allure of Steampunk: An Interview with Richard Harland

The Allure of Steampunk: An Interview with Richard Harland

A short while after the NSW Writers Centre Speculative Fiction Festival I thought about interviewing a steampunk author to go with my posts on steampunk. Of course, I soon thought of steampunk author Richard Harland. I really enjoy his novels and had met him once…

Aussie Steampunk: Worldshaker/Liberator by Richard Harland

Aussie Steampunk: Worldshaker/Liberator by Richard Harland

Worldshaker/Liberator, Richard Harland Allen and Unwin, 2009/2011 Available from The Book Depository at a great price! I first read Worldshaker last year after Supanova but such is the nightmare that is a thesis that I didn’t get around to Liberator till last month. Finally, I…

10 Steampunk Titles You Should Know About

10 Steampunk Titles You Should Know About

I intended to write this post aons ago but my novel rewrite has made blogging harder than expected. Anyway, I have picked out 10 steampunk books for the newcomer to the genre to start with to get a feel for the genre itself. 1. The…

Steampunk Fashion

Steampunk Fashion

Wow. So much for December being all about steampunk. I got a new job and graduated university so life has been go go go for me. I haven’t touched my manuscript in weeks, let alone this blog. Still- there’s no time like the present and…

Steampunk: The New Kid on the Genre Block

Steampunk: The New Kid on the Genre Block

So you thought paranormal romance was hot? Clearly you haven’t read steampunk. So many people ask me what it is that I think a post or two on the topic is in order. In fact, I am dedicating all of December to steampunk. From books…

Fight Like a Girl CD Review

Fight Like a Girl CD Review

Emilie Autumn’s new cd is an insane steampunk musical extravaganza that should appeal to show tune fans and EA’s 4 O’clock fans alike. More thematically coherent than her previous release, Opheliac, Fight Like a Girl tells the story of The Asylum for Wayward Girls with…