Re-watching Sleepy Hollow (1999): One of the most beautiful horror films ever made?
Maureen re-visits one of her favourite gothic horror films in time for Halloween …
Maureen Flynn - Author
Maureen re-visits one of her favourite gothic horror films in time for Halloween …
The second Moffat story for New Who! In which all of his later series themes are laid out for us. Plus bonus The Time Traveller’s Wife riff, a great historical fiction revisionist slant on Madame de Pompadour and the chick who played Beth in Spooks.…
“I use Grammarly for proofreading because I am afraid of someone leaving grammar Nazi memes in the comments.” Song of the Slums, Richard Harland Allen and Unwin 2013. RRP: $17.99 Aust. Back what feels like a thousand years ago (and was really a couple of…
All is Fair, Emma Newman Angry Robots Books, October, 2013 R.R.P.: £5.49 / US$6.99 So the story behind this review is a sorry one. My kindle broke just as I started reading which meant I had to wait around for a new one before I…
A short while after the NSW Writers Centre Speculative Fiction Festival I thought about interviewing a steampunk author to go with my posts on steampunk. Of course, I soon thought of steampunk author Richard Harland. I really enjoy his novels and had met him once…
Worldshaker/Liberator, Richard Harland Allen and Unwin, 2009/2011 Available from The Book Depository at a great price! I first read Worldshaker last year after Supanova but such is the nightmare that is a thesis that I didn’t get around to Liberator till last month. Finally, I…
Wow. So much for December being all about steampunk. I got a new job and graduated university so life has been go go go for me. I haven’t touched my manuscript in weeks, let alone this blog. Still- there’s no time like the present and…