Regular readers may remember that I got my first ever pro-short story acceptance at the start of this year with the CSFG A Hand of Knaves anthology. Since then, I’ve been a busy beaver, sending off shorts left, right and centre. I even got three rejections in one day which wasn’t the best for the old ego.
Happily, I can now announce I have a second short story coming out with a professional publication. Specul8 Publishing is a Queensland based publisher and journal and its new themed anthology, Temporal Fractures: (mis)adventures in time, comes out in December 2018.
I’m so excited to let y’all know that my story, ‘The Life and Crime of Dr Minnie Isaacs PhD,’ will be in it. It’s a sci fi romp full of silly fun and I hope you love it.
The full author line-up is below. I am pretty stoked that I’ll be in an anthology featuring H G Wells!